Submit a recipe
Hello! Thank you for submitting a recipe. Here are a few guidelines for you to
keep in mind.
We are looking for well written recipes. If you're not the greatest speller or
grammatical whiz, don't worry. But please don't be offended if we edit it a bit. Don't worry too much about spacing, well will fix it to be consistent with the rest of the site.
Directions should be clear and concise. If we have any questions, we'll email
you at the address you've specified. If you've got any questions for us, feel
free to email Isa or enter your questions in the "Description" field.
This is a Vegan Recipe Database, so please be sure that the recipe you are submitting is Vegan, that includes the use of honey.
We may not have time to contact everyone when their recipes are posted. If we don't contact you, please check back for your recipe in alphabetical order here http://www.theppk.com/recipes/dbrecipes/
Now get out there and have some fun! Go, team, go!